
48 Gallons - 180 liters

The new aquascape;

Lighting: 2x 30W fluorescent tubes; 12 hours a day
Filtration: standard Juwel filter
CO2: DIY CO2 Yeast reactor 2x (recently stopped, switched to low tech)
Substrate: 2-5mm English pea gravel - white/yellow + added in front a layer of black gravel
Decorations: 1x Bog wood, lots of rocks
Water changes: weekly 25% + dechlorinator Aqua Safe; recently decided to do monthly water change, low tech
Background: Photo of a rocky riverbank
Heater: standard Juwel
Fertilisation: PMDD and Tropica Macter Grow every week 20ml of each (4 bottles) - recently started adding monthly 18ml of PMDD (3 bottles) because no CO2 is added.
Plants: Hygro polysperma, Hygro Rozanervig, Amazon Sword (Echinodorus bleheri known ''Paniculatus''), Java Fern (Microsorum pteropus ''Narrow'') and Anubias barteri nana.
Inhabitants: 2x Golden Angels, 2x Siamese Algae Eaters, 2x Otocinclus, 11x Cardinal tetras, 5x Caridina japonica (Amano shrimp), a few Malaysian Trumpet snails.

The old/first aquascape;

Lighting: 2x 30W fluorescent tubes; 12 hours a day
Filtration: standard Juwel filter
CO2: No (my plants would do better if CO2 was added)
Substrate: 2-5mm English pea gravel - white/yellow
Decorations: 2x Bog wood
Water changes: weekly 25% + dechlorinator Aqua Safe
Background: Photo of a rocky riverbank
Heater: standard Juwel
Fertilisation: No (the reason my plants suffered a very bad nutrient deficiency)
Plants: Hygro polysperma, Hygro Siamensis 53B, Hygro Rozanervig, Cardamine lyrata, Java moss, Alternanthera reineckii roseafolia, Bacopa australis, Ceratopteris thalictroides (Water sprite), Egeria densa.
Inhabitants: 2x Golden Angels, 2x Siamese Algae Eaters, 2x Otocinclus, 11x Cardinal tetras, 5x Caridina japonica (Amano shrimp), a few Malaysian Trumpet snails.

For more info visit my 180 L Planted Aquarium Journal please.