Through building and maintaining beautiful nature aquaria people re-learn the intricate connections between forms of life, plants, fish, microorganism and humans. Riches and beauty come from harmony, from balance. Aquaria are great teachers of this truth. Takashi Amano
11 Gallons - 42 liters
Lighting: 2x 7w Compact fluorescent; 12 hours a day
Filtration: internal filter - UNI-Filter 280 from a Polish company AquaEL
CO2: No
Substrate: black gravel
Decorations: Rocks (personally collected in the wild) and Oak leaf litter (Quercus robur)
Water changes: weekly 25% + dechlorinator Aqua Safe
Background: DIY black paper
Heater: no heater, room temperature between 22 and 26 Celsius
Fertilisation: every month 2ml of each PMDD (3 bottles), will reduce after 6 month when the tank matures (aquarium mulm)
Plants: Java fern (Microsorum pteropus), Java moss (Vesicularia dubyana) and Hygrophila polysperma ' Rosanervig '
Inhabitants: a group of Red Cherry Shrimps (Neocaridina denticulata sinensis-red), a group of Malaysian Trumpet snails, a few Red Ramshorn snails, 20 Boraras maculatus, a group of Caridina "Cristal Red" shrimps, various worms and microorganisms.
For more info please visit my 11 Gallons South East Asia Nature aquarium.