Through building and maintaining beautiful nature aquaria people re-learn the intricate connections between forms of life, plants, fish, microorganism and humans. Riches and beauty come from harmony, from balance. Aquaria are great teachers of this truth. Takashi Amano
The Miniature Forest 43 l
43 liters planted tank.
2 x 11 watt compact fluorescent lights for 10 hours.
Malaysian Trumpet Snails
8 Nannostomus marginatus
1 Neritina sp. Zebra
8 Corydoras pygmaeus
2 Otocinclus sp.
a few Red Cherry shrimps
Crypto. willisii
Crypto. wendtii
Cryptocoryne parva
Cryptocoryne albida
Hygro polysperma
Hygro. Rosanervig
Pogostemon helferi
For more info go to the Journal