
160 lit Hi-Tech planted

Lights; 2x30 watt T-8's and 2x39 watt T-5's with reflectors (0,83w/l)
Substrate; Aquatic Nature Aqua Soil, Tropica Aqua Care substrate, Tropica AquaCare NPK Capsules.
CO2; pressurized, 4 bubbles per sec. via ceramic diffuser disc. CO2 on for 9 hours (day time) controlled via solenoid valve. CO2 Drop Checker.
Fertiliser; KNO3, KH2PO4, GH-Booster, Tropica Aqua Care+N&P(and traces), I am using the EI fertilising method by Tom Barr
Water change; weekly 60%
Temp; 26'C
Fauna; Rasbora hengeli, Glass-Bloodfin Tetra, SAE, Otos, Caridina multidentata, Neritina Zebra, various snails.
Flora; Hemianthus calitrichoides 'Cuba', Pogostemon helferi, Cryptocoryne balansae, Eleocharis acicularis, Blyxa japonica, Java Moss, Hygrophila polysperma 'Rosanervig'.


10 gallons Nano Cube

Light; 2x 11 watt 10000K compact fluorescent
Substrate; Aquatic Nature Ferti Soil
CO2; pressurised 1 bubble per second (CO2 drop checker)
Fertiliser; Tropica AquaCare+N&P, small dash of KH2PO4 and GH-Booster
Water change; weekly 50%
Temp; 24'C
Fauna; Crystal Red Shrimps, Red Cherry Shrimps, 1 Neritina Zebra snail, small snails, no fish.
Flora; Cryptocoryne parva, Lilaeopsis brasiliensis, Blyxa japonica, Anubias nana, Cryptocoryne wendtii, Cryptocoryne hybryd, Cryptocoryne balansae, Rotala rotundifolia

I re-scaped this tank a bit :-)